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If you’ve perused this site at all, then you know I’m a huge Norwex fan. I first fell in love with it for all things home (which we will discuss on this page), but I also use it to clean my body and have successfully not used soap in the shower for over a year! You can find all my info about that here. The idea behind Norwex products is this- their cloths are made with a blend of microfiber and silver, and that combo allows bacteria, dust, and dirt to be cleaned mechanically. With just the cloth and water! And if you doubt or simply haven’t seen the power of Norwex, you must check out this raw chicken demo on youtube

Now, Norwex makes a ton of products. And to be honest, there’s a lot I like, but also quite a few things I just can’t get in to. I’m all about being real, open, and transparent with you, so I’m only going to share what I use and love. Are their other products good? I’m sure they are…but they’re just not for me.


EnviroCloth– If I could tell you to purchase one thing, this would be it! I use this in the kitchen for countertops (yes, even for raw chicken juice), the bathroom sink, on the carpet for kitty/pup accidents, floor spills, ETC. Just this cloth and water. Period. It’s all you really need. 

Laundry Detergent– This is pure gold in a bag, my friends. First of all, when you use this in your laundry you only need 1/2 tsp (yes, you read that correctly). I also use it in a spray bottle with water for tough clothing stains and more kitty/pup accidents, and it works like a charm. Plus…no chemicals! You must look at the ingredients list and let me know if you’re as amazed as I was.

Bathroom Scrub Mit– I’ve been told I’m weird because I scrub the toilets with my hands and not a brush, but I think it just gets cleaner that way. Insert this mit. It cleans just like the EnviroCloth, but has mesh on the other side that makes toilet marks, hard water stains, and rust disappear. It literally takes me about 15 minutes to clean a bathroom now, and I have this amazing product to thank.

There are so many other Norwex products that I use and love, but these three are my can’t-live-without picks. I’ve included a list of my other favorites below. 

Cleaning Paste

Dusting Mitt

Window Cloth

Kitchen Towel


I love Norwex because it’s in line with my goal of toxin-free living, decreases plastic waste by not buying cleaning products, and is ultimately cheaper (I can’t tell you the last time I actually purchased a household cleaner). You can buy these from any Norwex consultant, but my girl Marisa is an expert and has been stocking my home with these goodies for years, so I can’t help but recommend her!