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Norwex is a Norwegian company that sells all things cleaning. And while I use their household cleaning products (click here to find my favorite picks), their body cloths just may be my best toxin-free find yet. Let me tell you something- I workout almost every day and I am a SWEATER, aka I stink! So I was very skeptical when these cloths were introduced to me. Fast forward one year and I haven’t used soap to wash my body since the day I got the Norwex Body Cloth. The combination of microfiber, silver, and water lifts dirt, grime, and stink off the skin without harsh chemicals. My skin has never been softer or clearer and there are no scrubbing beads or lathered bubbles anywhere in or near my shower. 

As I’ve mentioned before, there are a lot of Norwex products I use, but there are also a lot I don’t. When it comes to keeping my body clean and my skin healthy, these are the products I love.

Body Cloth– This simple item has replaced body wash, face scrub, shaving cream, and bar soap in my showering routine. Just this cloth and water is all I use every night and its effectiveness is amazing! Toxin-free, plastic waste-free…I could not have stumbled across this sooner. I use the same cloth from head to toe (face first, mind you) and then just hang it to dry. And for my fellow campers, this is a GAME CHANGER for staying fresh in the middle of nowhere.

Bath Towels– These not only dries your body quickly, but the towel itself also dries super fast after you use it. I challenge you to get this towel to smell! We maybe wash ours once a month. And not because we have to, but because it just seems like the right thing to do. I will give you a fair warning when I mention that this towel is not plush. Don’t expect that fresh out of the dryer softness with this product. While the switch took some getting used to, I now cringe at the thought of using anything else. 

I don’t mean to be dramatic with you, but these products have truly changed my skin and my life. As someone who is fighting daily to have a body that is the healthiest it can be, these cloths and towels provided a simple switch that I couldn’t help but say yes to. Now, you can buy these from any Norwex consultant, but my friend Marisa is the one who initially gave me a body cloth as a gift to try, and I have her to thank for this transformation. Click below to check out her page and tell her Amanda sent you when you can’t help but purchase EVERY. SINGLE. THING.